Roadmap Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg), to Saarbrücken Airport (Saarland)
Continue onto Zirkelhof Zirkelhof0h0mn 0.0 km -
Turn right onto Zirkel Zirkel0h1mn 0.3 km -
Turn left onto Waldhornstraße Waldhornstraße0h1mn 0.7 km -
Turn right onto Hans-Thoma-Straße Hans-Thoma-Straße K 96560h0mn 0.1 km -
Continue onto Hans-Thoma-Straße Hans-Thoma-Straße K 96560h0mn 0.3 km -
Turn left onto Moltkestraße Moltkestraße0h6mn 4.5 km -
At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Sudetenstraße Sudetenstraße Sortie 30h0mn 0.2 km -
Keep right 0h0mn 0.0 km -
Turn slight right onto Rheinbrückenstraße Rheinbrückenstraße K 96510h14mn 23.1 km -
Keep right and drive toward Insheim 0h0mn 0.3 km -
Turn right onto L 543 and drive toward Insheim L 5430h2mn 2.5 km -
Turn left onto B 38 B 380h1mn 1.6 km -
Keep right and drive toward Landau 0h0mn 0.3 km -
Turn slight right onto B 38 B 380h1mn 1.3 km -
Keep left onto Zweibrücker Straße Zweibrücker Straße K 120h0mn 0.3 km -
Turn slight left onto Zweibrücker Straße Zweibrücker Straße L 5090h0mn 0.2 km -
Keep right onto K 12 K 120h0mn 0.1 km -
Continue onto Zweibrücker Straße Zweibrücker Straße K 120h1mn 0.4 km -
Turn left onto Annweilerstraße and drive toward Kreisverwaltung Annweilerstraße K 120h2mn 2.2 km -
Turn left and take B 10 toward Karlsruhe, Neustadt/Weinstraße, Speyer 0h0mn 0.3 km -
Turn sharp left onto B 10 B 100h13mn 14.3 km -
Keep right onto B 10 and take B 10 toward Saarbrücken, Pirmasens B 101h34mn 53.6 km -
Keep right and take B 423 toward Einöd, Blieskastel 0h0mn 0.4 km -
Keep left and take B 423 toward Blieskastel 0h0mn 0.0 km -
Turn left onto B 423 B 4230h5mn 5.3 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto B 423 Sortie 10h1mn 0.7 km -
At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Zweibrücker Straße Zweibrücker Straße Sortie 30h0mn 0.3 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Saargemünder Straße Saargemünder Straße Sortie 20h7mn 6.3 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Saarbrücker Straße Saarbrücker Straße Sortie 10h4mn 4.0 km -
Keep right onto L 237L L 237L0h1mn 0.8 km -
Keep left onto L 237L L 237L0h1mn 0.9 km -
Turn sharp right 0h0mn 0.0 km -
Turn left 0h1mn 0.5 km -
Arrive at destination 0h0mn 0 m
** Route generated in :: 0.0364 **
Distance from Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg), to Saarbrücken Airport (Saarland)
Karlsruhe is a city located in Baden-Württemberg and his population is 283,799 inhabitants.Saarbrücken Airport is located in Saarland and his population is 0 inhabitants.
The distance from Karlsruhe to Saarbrücken Airport is 96.9 km in a straight line.
In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Karlsruhe, 01 to Saarbrücken Airport, 09. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Saarbrücken Airport and Karlsruhe, as well as different trip duration.
Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Karlsruhe to Saarbrücken Airport.
Distance by car | |
Duration by car | |
Fuel cost (Gasoline) | |
Fuel cost (Diesel) | |
Distance by bike | |
Duration by bike |
By car, the distance is about 125.8 km, for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .
Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Karlsruhe in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Karlsruhe or in Baden-Württemberg.
If you want to see the route between Karlsruhe and Saarbrücken Airport by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Karlsruhe to Saarbrücken Airport will be updated accordingly.
Rent a car in Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)
If you want rent a car to do a trip from Karlsruhe to Saarbrücken Airport Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Karlsruhe thanks to Compare rental.
Distances from Karlsruhe to main cities
Distances from Saarbrücken Airport to nearby cities
Distances from Karlsruhe to nearest airports
Karlsruhe local overview |
Karlsruhe Time zone : Europe/Berlin |
Places close to Karlsruhe
Place | Distance |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Hardwald | 10 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Unterwald | 6 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Lange Wiesen | 5 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Tiefbruch | 7 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Marktplatz Karlsruhe | 0 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Zehntwald | 5 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Oberwald | 3 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Hardtwald | 8 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Bergwald | 7 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Abtswiesen | 6 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Lochwiesen | 6 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Rittnert | 8 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Bruchwald | 7 km |
Distance from Karlsruhe to Wiesental | 8 km |
More distances
- Ettlingen 7.6 km
- Rheinstetten 8.4 km
- Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen 9.0 km
- Wörth am Rhein 11.5 km
- Bruchsal 19.1 km
- Rastatt 22.0 km
- Bretten 22.3 km
- Gaggenau 23.9 km
- Germersheim 24.0 km
- Pforzheim 25.6 km
- Waghäusel 27.9 km
- Landau in der Pfalz 29.7 km
- Baden-Baden 30.2 km
- Mühlacker 32.3 km
- Speyer 34.7 km
- Hockenheim 36.6 km
- Wiesloch 38.3 km
- Bühl 40.0 km
- Haßloch 40.8 km
- Calw 41.0 km
Largest cities near Karlsruhe
- Mannheim 53.6 km
- Heidelberg 49.0 km
- Pforzheim 25.6 km
- Baden-Baden 30.2 km
- Rastatt 22.0 km
- Bruchsal 19.1 km
- Ettlingen 7.6 km
- Sinsheim 43.9 km
- Herrenberg 57.2 km
- Gaggenau 23.9 km
- Bühl 40.0 km
- Bretten 22.3 km
- Leimen 42.9 km
- Mühlacker 32.3 km
- Wiesloch 38.3 km