Distance Rastatt Strasbourg

Roadmap Rastatt (Baden-Württemberg), to Strasbourg (Grand Est)

45.7 km57.9 km1h44mn
  1. Continue onto Bahnhofstraße
    Bahnhofstraße B 3
    0.1 km
  2. Make a U-turn onto Bahnhofstraße
    Bahnhofstraße B 3
    3.6 km
  3. Turn right onto L 78b
    L 78b
    3.6 km
  4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto L 78b
    Sortie 2
    3.8 km
  5. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Route du Rhin
    Route du Rhin Sortie 2
    0.8 km
  6. Turn left onto Rue Principale
    Rue Principale D 468
    0.3 km
  7. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto D 468
    Sortie 2
    1.5 km
  8. At roundabout, take exit 4
    Sortie 4
    0.4 km
  9. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto D 504
    Sortie 1
    0.1 km
  10. Continue onto D 504
    D 504
    30.4 km
  11. Keep right and take D 37 toward Hoerdt, Reichstett
    0.3 km
  12. At roundabout, take exit 4 onto D 37
    Sortie 4
    1.0 km
  13. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto M 37
    Sortie 1
    1.1 km
  14. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto M 37
    Sortie 2
    3.0 km
  15. Keep left and drive toward Bischheim, Strasbourg
    5.7 km
  16. Keep right and drive toward Strasbourg-Centre, Avenue des Vosges, Robertsau, Institutions Européennes
    1.4 km
  17. Turn right onto Rue de Bischwiller
    Rue de Bischwiller
    0.8 km
  18. Keep left
    0.1 km
  19. Arrive at destination
    0 m

** Route generated in :: 0.0179 **

Distance from Rastatt (Baden-Württemberg), to Strasbourg (Grand Est)

Rastatt is a city located in Baden-Württemberg and his population is 47,906 inhabitants.Strasbourg is located in Grand Est and his population is 274,845 inhabitants.

The distance from Rastatt to Strasbourg is 45.7 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Rastatt, 01 to Strasbourg, 44. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Strasbourg and Rastatt, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Rastatt to Strasbourg.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about 57.9 km, for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Rastatt in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Rastatt or in Baden-Württemberg.

If you want to see the route between Rastatt and Strasbourg by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Rastatt to Strasbourg will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Rastatt (Baden-Württemberg)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Rastatt to Strasbourg Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Rastatt thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Rastatt to main cities

Distance from Rastatt to Frankfurt am Main 144 km
Distance from Rastatt to Stuttgart 71 km
Distance from Rastatt to Mannheim 73 km
Distance from Rastatt to Karlsruhe 22 km
Distance from Rastatt to Wiesbaden 136 km
Distance from Rastatt to Freiburg 100 km
Distance from Rastatt to Mainz 125 km
Distance from Rastatt to Saarbrücken 97 km
Distance from Rastatt to Ludwigshafen am Rhein 71 km
Distance from Rastatt to Heidelberg 70 km
Distance from Rastatt to Darmstadt 117 km
Distance from Rastatt to Heilbronn 80 km
Distance from Rastatt to Pforzheim 36 km
Distance from Rastatt to Offenbach 144 km
Distance from Rastatt to Reutlingen 84 km
Distance from Rastatt to Koblenz 173 km
Distance from Rastatt to Kaiserslautern 72 km
Distance from Rastatt to Esslingen 81 km
Distance from Rastatt to Hanau am Main 151 km
Distance from Rastatt to Ludwigsburg 72 km
Distance from Rastatt to Tübingen 72 km
Distance from Rastatt to Villingen-Schwenningen 91 km
Distance from Rastatt to Konstanz 151 km
Distance from Rastatt to Worms 87 km
Distance from Rastatt to Aschaffenburg 142 km
Distance from Rastatt to Sindelfingen 62 km
Distance from Rastatt to Rüsselsheim 127 km
Distance from Rastatt to Offenburg 47 km
Distance from Rastatt to Friedrichshafen 163 km
Distance from Rastatt to Göppingen 107 km

Distances from Strasbourg to nearby cities

Distance from Strasbourg to Kehl 5 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Offenburg 19 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Achern 25 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Oberkirch 25 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Lahr 29 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Bühl 31 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Baden-Baden 41 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Rastatt 46 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Baiersbronn 47 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Gaggenau 49 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Freudenstadt 51 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Emmendingen 52 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Waldkirch 57 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Rheinstetten 59 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Schramberg 62 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Ettlingen 63 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Freiburg 66 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Karlsruhe 68 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Horb am Neckar 71 km
Distance from Strasbourg to Nagold 72 km

Distances from Rastatt to nearest airports

Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport Distance from Rastatt to Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport 13 km
Pforzheim Distance from Rastatt to Pforzheim 36 km
Black Forest Airport Distance from Rastatt to Black Forest Airport 63 km
Baden Wurttemberg, Neuostheim Distance from Rastatt to Baden Wurttemberg, Neuostheim 72 km
Stuttgart Airport Distance from Rastatt to Stuttgart Airport 75 km
Ramstein Distance from Rastatt to Ramstein 78 km
Coleman Mannheim Distance from Rastatt to Coleman Mannheim 81 km
Saarbrücken Airport Distance from Rastatt to Saarbrücken Airport 90 km
Segelfluggelände Übersberg Distance from Rastatt to Segelfluggelände Übersberg 91 km
Donaueschingen / Villingen Distance from Rastatt to Donaueschingen / Villingen 101 km

Rastatt local overview

Time zone : Europe/Berlin
  • Country : Germany
  • Capital : Berlin
  • Population : 47,906
  • Iso code : DE / DEU
  • Dialing code : +49 / 0049

Places close to Rastatt

Distance from Rastatt to Strie Wald 5 km
Distance from Rastatt to Steinhart 5 km
Distance from Rastatt to Oberwald 9 km
Distance from Rastatt to Oberwald 3 km
Distance from Rastatt to Oberwald 3 km
Distance from Rastatt to Oberwald 8 km
Distance from Rastatt to Niederwald 3 km
Distance from Rastatt to Heuscheuer 3 km
Distance from Rastatt to Großer Bruch-Wald 12 km
Distance from Rastatt to Geggenau 4 km
Distance from Rastatt to Dammwald 7 km
Distance from Rastatt to Bruch Wald 6 km
Distance from Rastatt to Alter Wald 7 km

More distances

Largest cities near Rastatt