Roadmap Viersen (North Rhine-Westphalia), to Groningen (Groningen)
Continue 0h0mn 0.0 km -
Turn right 0h0mn 0.1 km -
Turn left onto Große Bruchstraße Große Bruchstraße0h1mn 0.3 km -
Turn left onto Freiheitsstraße Freiheitsstraße L 1160h2mn 1.3 km -
Turn right onto Süchtelner Straße Süchtelner Straße L 390h3mn 2.8 km -
Turn left onto Westring Westring L 390h13mn 14.3 km -
Continue onto Grefrather Landstraße Grefrather Landstraße L 390h3mn 4.1 km -
Turn right onto Xantener Straße Xantener Straße B 580h8mn 8.6 km -
Keep right and drive toward Kleve, Kevelaer, Krefeld, Kerken 0h0mn 0.3 km -
Turn left onto Kölner Straße Kölner Straße B 90h7mn 9.4 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Kölner Straße Kölner Straße Sortie 20h10mn 12.2 km -
Turn left onto Südring and drive toward Kleve, Kranenburg Südring L 770h1mn 0.6 km -
Turn right onto Weezer Straße Weezer Straße0h0mn 0.3 km -
Keep left onto Herzogenstraße Herzogenstraße0h1mn 0.8 km -
Keep left onto Bahnhofstraße Bahnhofstraße0h0mn 0.2 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Klever Straße Klever Straße Sortie 10h1mn 0.5 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Klever Straße Klever Straße Sortie 10h4mn 3.7 km -
Turn right onto Klever Straße Klever Straße B 90h6mn 6.5 km -
Keep right 0h0mn 0.1 km -
Turn slight right onto Uedemer Straße Uedemer Straße B 90h1mn 0.7 km -
Turn left onto Klever Ring Klever Ring B 90h2mn 2.3 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Kreuzhofstraße Kreuzhofstraße Sortie 10h2mn 1.6 km -
Turn sharp right onto Emmericher Straße Emmericher Straße B 2200h8mn 10.5 km -
Continue onto B 220 B 2200h1mn 1.0 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Elsepasweg Elsepasweg Sortie 10h1mn 1.0 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Elsepasweg Elsepasweg Sortie 10h0mn 0.5 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Elsepasweg Elsepasweg Sortie 20h0mn 0.3 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Burgemeester van Breemenweg Burgemeester van Breemenweg Sortie 20h2mn 2.5 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Ingenieur B. Kersjesweg Ingenieur B. Kersjesweg Sortie 20h2mn 2.0 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Zeddamseweg Zeddamseweg Sortie 20h1mn 0.7 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Zeddamseweg Zeddamseweg Sortie 20h0mn 0.3 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Wijnbergseweg Wijnbergseweg Sortie 20h1mn 1.1 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Wijnbergseweg Wijnbergseweg Sortie 20h2mn 2.1 km -
Keep left onto Europaweg Europaweg N316N3170h0mn 0.0 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Europaweg Europaweg Sortie 10h1mn 0.4 km -
Keep right onto Europaweg Europaweg N316N3170h0mn 0.0 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Europaweg Europaweg Sortie 20h2mn 1.6 km -
Turn right onto Ruimzichtlaan Ruimzichtlaan N3160h1mn 0.5 km -
Turn left onto Dominee van Dijkweg Dominee van Dijkweg N3160h0mn 0.0 km -
Continue onto Ruimzichtlaan Ruimzichtlaan0h2mn 1.2 km -
Turn left onto Velswijkseweg Velswijkseweg N3160h3mn 3.1 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Kruisbergseweg Kruisbergseweg Sortie 20h3mn 3.1 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Kruisbergseweg Kruisbergseweg Sortie 20h1mn 1.6 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Burgemeester Henk Aalderinkweg Burgemeester Henk Aalderinkweg Sortie 20h1mn 0.6 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Burgemeester Henk Aalderinkweg Burgemeester Henk Aalderinkweg Sortie 20h1mn 0.9 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Vordenseweg Vordenseweg Sortie 20h3mn 3.4 km -
Turn right onto Schimmeldijk Schimmeldijk0h2mn 1.5 km -
Turn left onto Schuttestraat Schuttestraat0h1mn 0.9 km -
Turn right onto Ruurloseweg Ruurloseweg N3190h1mn 1.2 km -
Turn left onto Wildenborchseweg Wildenborchseweg0h7mn 6.7 km -
Turn left onto Zutphenseweg Zutphenseweg N3460h0mn 0.1 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Rondweg-West Rondweg-West Sortie 10h4mn 4.9 km -
Continue onto N332 N3320h1mn 1.3 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto N332 Sortie 20h4mn 6.0 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto N332 Sortie 20h3mn 3.3 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto N332 Sortie 20h4mn 4.6 km -
Turn right onto Raalterweg Raalterweg0h1mn 1.1 km -
Turn right onto Scholtensstraat Scholtensstraat0h1mn 0.3 km -
Continue onto Zwarteweg Zwarteweg0h2mn 1.0 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Portlanderdijk Portlanderdijk Sortie 20h4mn 4.0 km -
Turn right onto Schoonhetenseweg Schoonhetenseweg0h4mn 3.5 km -
Turn left onto Nijverdalseweg Nijverdalseweg N350h1mn 0.9 km -
Turn right onto Hooilandweg Hooilandweg0h0mn 0.1 km -
Continue onto Hooilandweg Hooilandweg0h2mn 1.4 km -
Turn left onto Steege Steege0h0mn 0.2 km -
Turn right onto Ommerweg Ommerweg N3480h16mn 19.2 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto N48 Sortie 20h17mn 25.9 km -
Keep right onto A28 and take N375 toward Ruinen, Pesse A280h0mn 0.4 km -
At roundabout, take exit 2 onto A28 Sortie 21h35mn 51.7 km -
Keep right onto A28 and drive toward Groningen-Centrum A280h1mn 0.8 km -
At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Emmaviaduct Emmaviaduct Sortie 10h0mn 0.2 km -
Keep right and drive toward Rivierenbuurt 0h1mn 0.8 km -
Turn left onto Emmasingel Emmasingel0h1mn 0.4 km -
Turn right onto Westerhaven Westerhaven0h0mn 0.3 km -
Turn right onto Hoendiepskade Hoendiepskade0h1mn 0.6 km -
Turn right onto Verlengde Visserstraat Verlengde Visserstraat0h0mn 0.1 km -
Turn left onto Noorderhaven Noorderhaven0h1mn 0.7 km -
Turn right onto Oude Ebbingestraat Oude Ebbingestraat0h1mn 0.3 km -
Turn right onto Rodeweeshuisstraat Rodeweeshuisstraat0h0mn 0.1 km -
Turn left onto Stalstraat Stalstraat0h0mn 0.0 km -
Turn left onto Stalstraat Stalstraat0h0mn 0.0 km -
Arrive at destination 0h0mn 0 m
** Route generated in :: 0.0454 **
Distance from Viersen (North Rhine-Westphalia), to Groningen (Groningen)
Viersen is a city located in North Rhine-Westphalia and his population is 76,153 inhabitants.Groningen is located in Groningen and his population is 181,194 inhabitants.
The distance from Viersen to Groningen is 218.6 km in a straight line.
In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Viersen, 07 to Groningen, 04. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Groningen and Viersen, as well as different trip duration.
Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Viersen to Groningen.
Distance by car | |
Duration by car | |
Fuel cost (Gasoline) | |
Fuel cost (Diesel) | |
Distance by bike | |
Duration by bike |
By car, the distance is about 253.7 km, for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .
Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Viersen in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Viersen or in North Rhine-Westphalia.
If you want to see the route between Viersen and Groningen by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Viersen to Groningen will be updated accordingly.
Rent a car in Viersen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
If you want rent a car to do a trip from Viersen to Groningen Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Viersen thanks to Compare rental.
Distances from Viersen to main cities
Distances from Groningen to nearby cities
Distances from Viersen to nearest airports
Viersen local overview |
Viersen Time zone : Europe/Berlin |
Places close to Viersen
Place | Distance |
Distance from Viersen to Rheindahlener Wald | 11 km |
Distance from Viersen to Hardter Wald | 8 km |
Distance from Viersen to Bockerter Heide | 4 km |
Distance from Viersen to Rahser Bruch | 2 km |
Distance from Viersen to Rintger Bruch | 2 km |
Distance from Viersen to Volksgarten Bungtwald | 9 km |
Distance from Viersen to Kempener Land | 12 km |
More distances
- Mönchengladbach 8.4 km
- Schwalmtal 9.8 km
- Grefrath 9.9 km
- Tönisvorst 10.2 km
- Nettetal 10.4 km
- Willich 10.7 km
- Korschenbroich 10.9 km
- Kempen 12.4 km
- Niederkrüchten 13.8 km
- Krefeld 14.4 km
- Wegberg 14.7 km
- Brüggen 14.8 km
- Kaarst 15.9 km
- Jüchen 18.7 km
- Erkelenz 20.2 km
- Meerbusch 20.5 km
- Neuss 21.2 km
- Neubrück 21.6 km
- Grevenbroich 22.4 km
- Straelen 22.7 km
Largest cities near Viersen
- Düsseldorf 26.9 km
- Duisburg 32.5 km
- Aachen 57.5 km
- Mönchengladbach 8.4 km
- Krefeld 14.4 km
- Oberhausen 41.0 km
- Mülheim 39.1 km
- Neuss 21.2 km
- Moers 27.7 km
- Düren 50.6 km
- Ratingen 32.0 km
- Dinslaken 42.0 km
- Grevenbroich 22.4 km
- Kerpen 47.7 km
- Dormagen 35.2 km