Distance Newtownabbey Craigavon

Roadmap Newtownabbey (Northern Ireland), to Craigavon (Northern Ireland)

38.9 km47.5 km1h35mn
  1. Continue onto Shore Road
    Shore Road A2
    1.5 km
  2. Keep left toward M2
    4.6 km
  3. Keep left
    0.3 km
  4. Continue onto Nelson Street
    Nelson Street A12
    0.6 km
  5. Keep left
    2.7 km
  6. Keep right onto M1
    24.1 km
  7. Keep left toward A3, A26
    0.6 km
  8. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto A3
    Sortie 1
    0.2 km
  9. Continue onto Moira Road
    Moira Road A3
    1.5 km
  10. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto A3
    Sortie 2
    4.4 km
  11. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Belfast Road
    Belfast Road Sortie 2
    3.2 km
  12. Keep left onto A3
    0.1 km
  13. Turn right onto A3
    1.8 km
  14. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Lake Road
    Lake Road Sortie 2
    0.6 km
  15. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Lake Road
    Lake Road Sortie 2
    0.7 km
  16. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Lake Road
    Lake Road Sortie 3
    0.7 km
  17. Enter roundabout
    Central Roundabout Sortie 0
    0.0 km
  18. Arrive at destination
    0 m

** Route generated in :: 0.0121 **

Distance from Newtownabbey (Northern Ireland), to Craigavon (Northern Ireland)

Newtownabbey is a city located in Northern Ireland and his population is 63,860 inhabitants.Craigavon is located in Northern Ireland and his population is 59,236 inhabitants.

The distance from Newtownabbey to Craigavon is 38.9 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Newtownabbey, NIR to Craigavon, NIR. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Craigavon and Newtownabbey, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Newtownabbey to Craigavon.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about 47.5 km, for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Newtownabbey in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Newtownabbey or in Northern Ireland.

If you want to see the route between Newtownabbey and Craigavon by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Newtownabbey to Craigavon will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Newtownabbey (Northern Ireland)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Newtownabbey to Craigavon Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Newtownabbey thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Newtownabbey to main cities

Distance from Newtownabbey to Belfast 7 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Londonderry County Borough 97 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Derry 97 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Lisburn 17 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Paisley 161 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Bangor 15 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Craigavon 39 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Castlereagh 10 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Ayr 121 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Kilmarnock 139 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Greenock 161 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Irvine 133 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Newtownards 16 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Carrickfergus 9 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Ballymena 33 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Newry 60 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Coleraine 72 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Vale of Leven 169 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Portadown 43 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Omagh 90 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Dumbarton 166 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Antrim 19 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Larne 22 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Kilwinning 134 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Johnstone 157 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Banbridge 42 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Erskine 166 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Port Glasgow 162 km

Distances from Craigavon to nearby cities

Distance from Craigavon to Portadown 5 km
Distance from Craigavon to Banbridge 13 km
Distance from Craigavon to Lisburn 24 km
Distance from Craigavon to Newry 30 km
Distance from Craigavon to Antrim 31 km
Distance from Craigavon to Belfast 34 km
Distance from Craigavon to Castlereagh 35 km
Distance from Craigavon to Newtownabbey 39 km
Distance from Craigavon to Ballymena 47 km
Distance from Craigavon to Newtownards 48 km
Distance from Craigavon to Carrickfergus 48 km
Distance from Craigavon to Bangor 52 km
Distance from Craigavon to Larne 58 km
Distance from Craigavon to Omagh 61 km
Distance from Craigavon to Coleraine 78 km
Distance from Craigavon to Londonderry County Borough 85 km
Distance from Craigavon to Derry 85 km

Distances from Newtownabbey to nearest airports

George Best Belfast City Airport Distance from Newtownabbey to George Best Belfast City Airport 5 km
Newtownards Airport Distance from Newtownabbey to Newtownards Airport 16 km
Belfast International Airport Distance from Newtownabbey to Belfast International Airport 20 km
Campbeltown Airport Distance from Newtownabbey to Campbeltown Airport 88 km
City of Derry Airport Distance from Newtownabbey to City of Derry Airport 91 km
Islay Airport Distance from Newtownabbey to Islay Airport 116 km
Prestwick Airport Distance from Newtownabbey to Prestwick Airport 127 km
Colonsay Airstrip Distance from Newtownabbey to Colonsay Airstrip 157 km
Glasgow Distance from Newtownabbey to Glasgow 164 km
Glasgow Airport Distance from Newtownabbey to Glasgow Airport 164 km

Newtownabbey local overview

Time zone : Europe/London
  • Country : United Kingdom
  • Capital : London
  • Population : 63,860
  • Iso code : GB / GBR
  • Dialing code : +44 / 0044

Places close to Newtownabbey

Distance from Newtownabbey to Ormeau Park 10 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Botanic Gardens Park 9 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve 4 km
Distance from Newtownabbey to Belfast Port 4 km

More distances

Largest cities near Newtownabbey