Distances from Madrid to other places

Madrid, Madrid

Madrid local time

Time zone : Europe/Madrid
  • Country : Spain
  • Capital : Madrid
  • Population : 3,255,944
  • Country code (Iso) : ES / ESP
  • Dialing code : +34 / 0034

Distances from Madrid

Madrid is a city located in Madrid and his population is 3,255,944 inhabitants.

On this page you can consult informations about distances and roadmaps from Madrid to major cities and places in Spain.

Distances from Madrid to largest cities

Distance from Madrid to Casablanca 836 km
Distance from Madrid to Paris 1,054 km
Distance from Madrid to Algiers 719 km
Distance from Madrid to Rabat 765 km
Distance from Madrid to Fès 720 km
Distance from Madrid to Sale 760 km
Distance from Madrid to Marrakesh 1,051 km
Distance from Madrid to Marseille 818 km
Distance from Madrid to Boumerdas 745 km
Distance from Madrid to Agadir 1,234 km
Distance from Madrid to Tangier 549 km
Distance from Madrid to Oran 590 km
Distance from Madrid to Meknès 744 km
Distance from Madrid to Lisbon 503 km
Distance from Madrid to Lyon 913 km
Distance from Madrid to Toulouse 554 km
Distance from Madrid to Oujda-Angad 658 km
Distance from Madrid to Al Hoceïma 575 km
Distance from Madrid to Kenitra 731 km
Distance from Madrid to Tétouan 558 km

Distances from Madrid to largest cities in ES

Distance from Madrid to Barcelona 505 km
Distance from Madrid to Valencia 303 km
Distance from Madrid to Sevilla 391 km
Distance from Madrid to Zaragoza 274 km
Distance from Madrid to Málaga 416 km
Distance from Madrid to Murcia 350 km
Distance from Madrid to Palma 550 km
Distance from Madrid to Bilbao 323 km
Distance from Madrid to Alicante 360 km
Distance from Madrid to Córdoba 296 km
Distance from Madrid to Valladolid 162 km
Distance from Madrid to Vigo 466 km
Distance from Madrid to Gijón 383 km
Distance from Madrid to Eixample 505 km
Distance from Madrid to L'Hospitalet de Llobregat 499 km
Distance from Madrid to Latina 5 km
Distance from Madrid to Carabanchel 3 km
Distance from Madrid to A Coruña 509 km
Distance from Madrid to Puente de Vallecas 4 km
Distance from Madrid to Sant Martí 509 km

Major museums

Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando Distance from Madrid to Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando 0 km
Museo ICO Distance from Madrid to Museo ICO 0 km
Fundacion Telefonica Distance from Madrid to Fundacion Telefonica 0 km
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Distance from Madrid to Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza 1 km
Naval Museum of Madrid Distance from Madrid to Naval Museum of Madrid 1 km
Museo del Prado Distance from Madrid to Museo del Prado 1 km
Museo Municipal Distance from Madrid to Museo Municipal 1 km
Royal Armoury of Madrid Distance from Madrid to Royal Armoury of Madrid 1 km
El Casón del Buen Retiro Distance from Madrid to El Casón del Buen Retiro 1 km
Golden Triangle of Art Distance from Madrid to Golden Triangle of Art 1 km

Distances to near cities

Largest cities near Madrid