Distances from Bad Dürkheim to other places

Bad Dürkheim, Rheinland-Pfalz

Bad Dürkheim local time

Bad Dürkheim
Time zone : Europe/Berlin
  • Country : Germany
  • Capital : Berlin
  • Population : 18,698
  • Country code (Iso) : DE / DEU
  • Dialing code : +49 / 0049

Distances from Bad Dürkheim

Bad Dürkheim is a city located in Rheinland-Pfalz and his population is 18,698 inhabitants.

On this page you can consult informations about distances and roadmaps from Bad Dürkheim to major cities and places in Germany.

Distances from Bad Dürkheim to largest cities

Distance from Bad Dürkheim to London 630 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Rome 907 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Paris 429 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Vienna 616 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Barcelona 1,013 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Stockholm 1,269 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Milan 452 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Prague 454 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Copenhagen 753 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Brussels 313 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Naples 1,070 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Turin 490 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Valencia 1,301 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Marseille 719 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Amsterdam 398 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Nottingham 757 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Zagreb 712 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Sheffield 798 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Zaragoza 1,118 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Wrocław 656 km

Distances from Bad Dürkheim to largest cities in DE

Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Berlin 501 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Hamburg 475 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Munich 290 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Köln 186 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Frankfurt am Main 82 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Essen 237 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Stuttgart 105 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Dortmund 234 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Düsseldorf 220 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Bremen 405 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Hannover 342 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Leipzig 364 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Duisburg 241 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Nürnberg 210 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Dresden 434 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Wandsbek 477 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Bochum 235 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Bochum-Hordel 238 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Wuppertal 213 km
Distance from Bad Dürkheim to Bielefeld 287 km

Major museums


Distances to near cities

Largest cities near Bad Dürkheim