Distances from Hürth to other places

Hürth, North Rhine-Westphalia

Hürth local time

Time zone : Europe/Berlin
  • Country : Germany
  • Capital : Berlin
  • Population : 54,678
  • Country code (Iso) : DE / DEU
  • Dialing code : +49 / 0049

Distances from Hürth

Hürth is a city located in North Rhine-Westphalia and his population is 54,678 inhabitants.

On this page you can consult informations about distances and roadmaps from Hürth to major cities and places in Germany.

Distances from Hürth to largest cities

Distance from Hürth to London 493 km
Distance from Hürth to Rome 1,089 km
Distance from Hürth to Paris 394 km
Distance from Hürth to Vienna 747 km
Distance from Hürth to Barcelona 1,116 km
Distance from Hürth to Milan 626 km
Distance from Hürth to Prague 542 km
Distance from Hürth to Copenhagen 655 km
Distance from Hürth to Brussels 177 km
Distance from Hürth to Birmingham 631 km
Distance from Hürth to Turin 649 km
Distance from Hürth to Liverpool 729 km
Distance from Hürth to Marseille 851 km
Distance from Hürth to Amsterdam 216 km
Distance from Hürth to Nottingham 597 km
Distance from Hürth to Zagreb 877 km
Distance from Hürth to Sheffield 634 km
Distance from Hürth to Zaragoza 1,185 km
Distance from Hürth to Bristol 663 km
Distance from Hürth to Rotterdam 203 km

Distances from Hürth to largest cities in DE

Distance from Hürth to Berlin 487 km
Distance from Hürth to Hamburg 370 km
Distance from Hürth to Munich 456 km
Distance from Hürth to Köln 9 km
Distance from Hürth to Frankfurt am Main 154 km
Distance from Hürth to Essen 66 km
Distance from Hürth to Stuttgart 286 km
Distance from Hürth to Dortmund 83 km
Distance from Hürth to Düsseldorf 40 km
Distance from Hürth to Bremen 279 km
Distance from Hürth to Hannover 259 km
Distance from Hürth to Leipzig 388 km
Distance from Hürth to Duisburg 63 km
Distance from Hürth to Nürnberg 339 km
Distance from Hürth to Dresden 482 km
Distance from Hürth to Wandsbek 373 km
Distance from Hürth to Bochum 72 km
Distance from Hürth to Bochum-Hordel 73 km
Distance from Hürth to Wuppertal 47 km
Distance from Hürth to Bielefeld 173 km

Major museums

Max-Ernst-Museum Distance from Hürth to Max-Ernst-Museum 5 km
Kölner Karnevalsmuseum Distance from Hürth to Kölner Karnevalsmuseum 9 km
Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Distance from Hürth to Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum 9 km
Schnütgen-Museum Köln Distance from Hürth to Schnütgen-Museum Köln 9 km
Schokoladenmuseum Distance from Hürth to Schokoladenmuseum 10 km
Römisch-Germanisches Museum Distance from Hürth to Römisch-Germanisches Museum 10 km
Museum Ludwig Distance from Hürth to Museum Ludwig 10 km
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum Distance from Hürth to Wallraf-Richartz-Museum 10 km

Distances to near cities

Largest cities near Hürth