Distances from Ballywalter to other places

Ballywalter, Northern Ireland

Ballywalter local time

Time zone : Europe/London
  • Country : United Kingdom
  • Capital : London
  • Population : 1,572
  • Country code (Iso) : GB / GBR
  • Dialing code : +44 / 0044

Distances from Ballywalter

Ballywalter is a city located in Northern Ireland and his population is 1,572 inhabitants.

On this page you can consult informations about distances and roadmaps from Ballywalter to major cities and places in United Kingdom.

Distances from Ballywalter to largest cities

Distance from Ballywalter to Paris 832 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Dublin 144 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Brussels 779 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Rotterdam 724 km
Distance from Ballywalter to The Hague 706 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Antwerpen 759 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Nantes 861 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Bordeaux 1,136 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Gent 730 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Lille 723 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Rennes 763 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Charleroi 814 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Reims 879 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Cork 355 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Le Havre 680 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Dún Laoghaire 145 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Cergy-Pontoise 803 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Saint-Étienne 1,234 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Angers 859 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines 824 km

Distances from Ballywalter to largest cities in GB

Distance from Ballywalter to London 493 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Birmingham 330 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Liverpool 207 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Nottingham 336 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Sheffield 293 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Bristol 394 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Glasgow 167 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Leicester 357 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Edinburgh 214 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Leeds 270 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Cardiff 374 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Manchester 243 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Stoke-on-Trent 276 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Coventry 355 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Sunderland 267 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Birkenhead 206 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Islington 491 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Reading 458 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Kingston upon Hull 347 km
Distance from Ballywalter to Preston 201 km

Major museums


Distances to near cities

Largest cities near Ballywalter