Distances from Bradford to other places

Bradford, England

Bradford local time

Time zone : Europe/London
  • Country : United Kingdom
  • Capital : London
  • Population : 299,310
  • Country code (Iso) : GB / GBR
  • Dialing code : +44 / 0044

Distances from Bradford

Bradford is a city located in England and his population is 299,310 inhabitants.

On this page you can consult informations about distances and roadmaps from Bradford to major cities and places in United Kingdom.

Distances from Bradford to largest cities

Distance from Bradford to Paris 619 km
Distance from Bradford to Dublin 302 km
Distance from Bradford to Brussels 529 km
Distance from Bradford to Köln 671 km
Distance from Bradford to Turin 1,185 km
Distance from Bradford to Amsterdam 471 km
Distance from Bradford to Rotterdam 468 km
Distance from Bradford to Essen 646 km
Distance from Bradford to Dortmund 672 km
Distance from Bradford to Düsseldorf 644 km
Distance from Bradford to Duisburg 632 km
Distance from Bradford to The Hague 449 km
Distance from Bradford to Lyon 1,012 km
Distance from Bradford to Antwerpen 506 km
Distance from Bradford to Bochum 658 km
Distance from Bradford to Bochum-Hordel 654 km
Distance from Bradford to Wuppertal 665 km
Distance from Bradford to Bonn 692 km
Distance from Bradford to Utrecht 498 km
Distance from Bradford to Nantes 732 km

Distances from Bradford to largest cities in GB

Distance from Bradford to London 277 km
Distance from Bradford to Birmingham 146 km
Distance from Bradford to Liverpool 92 km
Distance from Bradford to Nottingham 102 km
Distance from Bradford to Sheffield 49 km
Distance from Bradford to Bristol 267 km
Distance from Bradford to Glasgow 281 km
Distance from Bradford to Leicester 135 km
Distance from Bradford to Edinburgh 257 km
Distance from Bradford to Leeds 13 km
Distance from Bradford to Cardiff 275 km
Distance from Bradford to Manchester 47 km
Distance from Bradford to Stoke-on-Trent 93 km
Distance from Bradford to Coventry 155 km
Distance from Bradford to Sunderland 126 km
Distance from Bradford to Birkenhead 95 km
Distance from Bradford to Islington 275 km
Distance from Bradford to Reading 266 km
Distance from Bradford to Kingston upon Hull 93 km
Distance from Bradford to Preston 63 km

Major museums

National Media Museum Distance from Bradford to National Media Museum 0 km

Distances to near cities

Largest cities near Bradford